
Randy Kobes Undergraduate Symposium 2024

Our lab members Madelyn and Olivia took part in a regional poster symposium sharing their studies on neural markers of mathematical processing and ordinality knowledge. 

The Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science 2024

A poster presentation on Neural Markers for Phonological and Numerical Processes in Preschool Children was presented at CSBBCS, hosted by the University of Alberta. An amazing opportunity to network, explore, and collect valuable feedback on our current research. 

Manitoba Children's Museum 

A fantastic opportunity to set up an educational booth was presented to our lab by the Manitoba Children's Museum.  We had a great time playing giant number jenga and fishing by number with the children and connecting with families. 

Kids Fest 2024 

A fun knowledge mobilization event playing educational games with kids and sharing information on the current studies with families. Conducted in partnership with University of Winnipeg's Thinking and Reasoning Lab and Development of Reading and Language Lab. 

UW Research Question- How Do Children Learn Math?

Listen to Dr. Stephanie Bugden and Alyssa Wright discuss recent research on the Unversity of Winnipeg's podcast, Research Question in Episode 10: How Do Children Learn Math?

Randy Kobes Undergraduate Symposium- September 20, 2023

Lab Members took part in the Randy Kobes Undergraduate Research Symposium with Alina and Alyssa receiving second and third place in the Social Science category.

Neuroscience Lab at the University of Winnipeg

Nature VS Nurture Podcast: Episode 113: Dr. Stephanie Bugden, Childrens Math Learning & Education

Manitoba Neuroscience Network Conference- June 23, 2023

Research assistants and Dr.  Stephanie Bugden participated in the 2023 Manitoba Neuroscience Network Conference, hosted at The Leaf in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Graduation- June 9, 2023

Celebrating recent graduates in the Numeracy Development and Learning Lab!

Prairie Undergrad Research Conference- April 28, 2023

Honours thesis students and research assistants presenting their projects at the Undergraduate Conference at the University of Winnipeg.

Austin Wellness Fair- October 12, 2022

In October 2022, the Numeracy Development and Learning Lab travelled to Austin, Manitoba to be apart of the Austin Elementary School Wellness Fair. The Wellness Fair aims to bring resources such as numeracy and literacy screening, physical and occupational therapy, and speech, hearing, and vision specialists to rural Manitoba.

UWSA BBQ, June 30- 2023

Numeracy Development and Learning Lab creating fun number games at the family day BBQ at the UWSA Daycare!
